Summon the best, wash away the rest
Why should you choose EjderGubre?
Payments and Payments, Payment by Credit Card and Things to Do for Payment Transactions Yes.
We use the highest quality and healthiest raw materials in the production of organic and chemical fertilizers and use good formulations to provide the nutrients that plants need. The use of new technologies in fertilizer production increases production efficiency and guarantees the quality of our products.
The fertilizers produced by EjderGubre have met the determined quality standards and the necessary tests have been carried out with high precision. Finally, certificates were issued regarding the compliance of the products with quality standards.
By examining the products page, you can find different types of plant hormones, NPK fertilizers, Liquid fertilizers, Powder fertilizers, etc. You can see that production is one of the other advantages of EjderGubre.
How to analyze EjderGubre fertilizers?
When you visit the products page, you will see that there is quality product analysis.
The use of quality raw materials and nutritious ingredients is another advantage of our products.
Product Types EjderGubre
Considering that EjderGubre Holding is a product manufacturer and exporter, two basic principles have always been at the forefront in its work since the day it started operations; One is compliance with environmental standards, and the other is studies to reduce the entry of chemicals into the soil.
liquid fertilizers
powdered fertilizers
NPK fertilizers
toxic fertilizer
plant hormone
Buy Guaranteed EjderGubre
Get the best fertilizer and poison products for your farm by using EjderGubre brand products. We offer you quality and effective products so that you can get the best performance from your farm. Fill out the order form now and experience the advantages of using EjderGübre products!
Our best selling products
The use of Ejder Gubre can increase the productivity of agricultural products. This increase in performance may result in an increase in the number of products, an increase in weight, or an increase in the quality of the products.
Mutlu müşterilerimiz arasına katılın
Tarımsal üretimlerini geliştirmek için ürünlerimizi kullanan bazı çiftçilerin görüşleri
"Gübrelerinizi kullanmak çiftliğimde gerçekten büyük bir fark yarattı. Mahsullerimin rengi ve tadı gelişti ve çiftlik verimim mucizevi bir şekilde arttı. Bu gübrelere devam edeceğim!”
"Geçen sezondan bu yana gübrelerinizi kullanmak bahçe işlerimi büyük ölçüde geliştirdi. Mahsullerimin verimi önemli ölçüde arttı ve mahsullerin kalitesi de arttı. Arkadaşlarıma kesinlikle sizin gübrelerinizi kullanmalarını tavsiye edeceğim."
"Sizin gübrenizi kullanmak gerçekten etkili oldu! Bahçe işlerime sizin gübrelerinizi kullanarak başladım ve çok belirgin sonuçlar gördüm. Mahsullerim daha taze ve daha kaliteli. Teşekkür ederim!"
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Diagnosis of plant diseases
We diagnose diseases in plants and agricultural products
fertilizer recommendations
We teach how to fertilize plants and fertilizer recommendations
Increase Productivity
Increasing efficiency and profitability in agricultural products